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Semitic Languages Schools in the Southeast

In 2024, we ranked 16 schools offering Arabic, Hebrew and other Semitic languages majors in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. team ranks University of Georgia (Athens, GA), Duke University (Durham, NC), and Emory University (Atlanta, GA) the top three Arabic and Semitic schools in the Southeast.

See the best 16 Arabic and Semitic schools in the Southeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Southeast.

Top 16 Arabic & Semitic schools in the Southeast:

University of Georgia - Foreign Language School Ranking
1. University of Georgia

Athens, GA, 1 arabic & semitic program

Duke University - Foreign Language School Ranking
2. Duke University

Durham, NC, 1 arabic & semitic program

Emory University - Foreign Language School Ranking
3. Emory University

Atlanta, GA, 2 arabic & semitic programs

University of Arkansas - Foreign Language School Ranking
4. University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR, 2 arabic & semitic programs

University of Mississippi - Foreign Language School Ranking
5. University of Mississippi

University, MS, 1 arabic & semitic program

Davidson College - Foreign Language School Ranking
6. Davidson College

Davidson, NC, 2 arabic & semitic programs

Union University - Foreign Language School Ranking
7. Union University

Jackson, TN, 1 arabic & semitic program

Liberty University - Foreign Language School Ranking
8. Liberty University

Lynchburg, VA, 2 arabic & semitic programs

Western Kentucky University - Foreign Language School Ranking
9. Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, KY, 2 arabic & semitic programs

Regent University - Foreign Language School Ranking
10. Regent University

Virginia Beach, VA, 2 arabic & semitic programs

Southern Adventist University - Foreign Language School Ranking
11. Southern Adventist University

Collegedale, TN, 5 arabic & semitic programs

Columbia International University - Foreign Language School Ranking
12. Columbia International University

Columbia, SC, 1 arabic & semitic program

Carson Newman University - Foreign Language School Ranking
13. Carson Newman University

Jefferson City, TN, 1 arabic & semitic program

Charleston Southern University - Foreign Language School Ranking
14. Charleston Southern University

Charleston, SC, 1 arabic & semitic program

Ouachita Baptist University - Foreign Language School Ranking
15. Ouachita Baptist University

Arkadelphia, AR, 1 arabic & semitic program

Toccoa Falls College - Foreign Language School Ranking
16. Toccoa Falls College

Toccoa Falls, GA, 1 arabic & semitic program

Semitic languages schools in the Southeast by state:

Schools by State2 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Arkansas3 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Georgia1 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Kentucky1 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Mississippi2 Arabic and Semitic Schools in North Carolina2 Arabic and Semitic Schools in South Carolina3 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Tennessee2 Arabic and Semitic Schools in Virginia

Arabic & Semitic schools in other regions:

Midwest: 20 schools
Northeast: 24 schools
Northwest: 4 schools
South: 14 schools
West: 20 schools

Popular foreign language school cities in the Southeast:

in Alabama:
Auburn: 1 school
Birmingham: 3 schools
Florence: 1 school
Huntsville: 2 schools
Mobile: 2 schools
Tuscaloosa: 1 school
in Arkansas:
Conway: 2 schools
Fayetteville: 1 school
Little Rock: 1 school
in Florida:
Boca Raton: 1 school
Coral Gables: 1 school
Fort Lauderdale: 1 school
Gainesville: 1 school
Jacksonville: 2 schools
Miami: 2 schools
Orlando: 1 school
Tallahassee: 1 school
Tampa: 2 schools
in Georgia:
Athens: 1 school
Atlanta: 7 schools
Augusta: 1 school
Dahlonega: 1 school
Kennesaw: 1 school
Macon: 3 schools
Statesboro: 1 school
Valdosta: 1 school
in Kentucky:
Bowling Green: 1 school
Danville: 1 school
Highland Heights: 1 school
Lexington: 2 schools
Louisville: 3 schools
Richmond: 1 school
in Louisiana:
Baton Rouge: 2 schools
Lafayette: 1 school
New Orleans: 5 schools
in Mississippi:
Hattiesburg: 2 schools
Perkinston: 1 school
Starkville: 1 school
University: 1 school
in North Carolina:
Chapel Hill: 1 school
Charlotte: 4 schools
Cullowhee: 1 school
Davidson: 1 school
Durham: 3 schools
Greensboro: 3 schools
Greenville: 1 school
Raleigh: 2 schools
Wilmington: 2 schools
Winston Salem: 4 schools
in Puerto Rico:
San Juan: 2 schools
in South Carolina:
Charleston: 3 schools
Clemson: 1 school
Columbia: 2 schools
Greenville: 2 schools
Spartanburg: 3 schools
in Tennessee:
Chattanooga: 1 school
Cookeville: 1 school
Johnson City: 1 school
Knoxville: 2 schools
Memphis: 2 schools
Murfreesboro: 1 school
Nashville: 4 schools
Sewanee: 1 school
in Virginia:
Ashland: 1 school
Blacksburg: 1 school
Charlottesville: 1 school
Fairfax: 1 school
Fredericksburg: 1 school
Harrisonburg: 2 schools
Lexington: 2 schools
Lynchburg: 3 schools
Newport News: 1 school
Norfolk: 2 schools
Richmond: 3 schools
Williamsburg: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology